by johannasr2 | Feb 2, 2021 | Feelings, Fibromyalgia, My Illness, Psychology
One of those days I spent most of my time, googling the pain in my body parts. I’m shuffling around the house, my feet in large socks. The intermittent pain is sharp and harsh. The chronic pain that just lays there seeking an answer is a low moan in my body. It...
by johannasr2 | Jan 9, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting Adults, Relationships
My grandson loves synchronicity. He is 11 years old, a computer genius and a lovely young man. When he sees it, he has to tell his mother all about it. I am merely the lucky bystander who can give loving compliments. I am neither the recipient of his observations, nor...
by johannasr2 | Dec 31, 2020 | Change, Family, Feelings, Parenting Adults, Relationships
Johanna, who is my daughter, is the antithesis of me. I have always been the typical clean freak, always. I am also very organized. I needed to be, I was raising a lot of kids. All of those kids had appointments: school, braces, counseling, sports and then us as a...
by johannasr2 | Dec 8, 2020 | Education, Internet Communication, Parenting, Psychology
The educators are saying “they are falling behind and it breaks our hearts”. Why, if everyone is falling behind then why can’t we do this whole year over again? Neonbrand from Unsplash I think people forget that we decide on the structure of our society. If we...
by johannasr2 | Oct 30, 2020 | Family, Relationships
Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash I may know this thing that I am about to tell you about and at some time I forgot this thing. I remember now; this lesson. I think this lesson is important. I want to remind you so that you don’t make mistakes with an excellent person...