by johannasr2 | Dec 27, 2023 | Family, Feelings, Fibromyalgia, My Illness
Take the Hint I knew something was wrong because my fibromyalgia was acting up. Randomly a touch became torture because of the pain that bloomed insistent upon gaining my attention. When everything hurts and then hurts again, there is no question but that something is...
by johannasr2 | Dec 15, 2023 | Family, Feelings, Parenting Adults, Psychology, Relationships
You have to take care of yourself to take care of your relationship. If you are not consciously aware of your boundaries you can ruin your relationship with your ignorance. Either because of your own pain or because your sub-conscious takes over. Odds are that if you...
by johannasr2 | Nov 19, 2023 | Family, Love, Parenting, Parenting Adults, Psychology, Relationships
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash Rhea manages me, there is no if and or maybe about it. Last year I brought up vaccines (a subject we disagree about). She said “Mom are we really going to have this conversation again?” And then blithely, she went on into another...
by johannasr2 | Jul 8, 2023 | Feelings, Fibromyalgia, My Illness, Psychology
Sometimes, I am standing at the sink. I may be brushing my teeth or washing up, but I am struck by the pain I feel. That pain makes it impossible for me to stand for more than a few minutes. It Happens to Everyone and Anyone… I have fibromyalgia and Central Pain...
by johannasr2 | Apr 8, 2023 | Addiction, Family, Parenting Adults, Psychology, Relationships
And he doesn’t even like that; the first thing I ever gave him was his name, and he doesn’t like it. He goes by Russ. Russ & his Mother: JB Collection July 2011 Right now, he is very angry with me. He says that I am always trying to get him into political...