From All Mothers, Everywhere

To my son the drug addict… Jeremy Paige on Unsplash What did I miss?  What difference would it make to this adulthood, this one, the one that you have right now?  Did I miss a crucial step that would have kept you from using drugs?  Did I miss some...

Becoming Codependent

Baynard 9/2017 Codependence is usually portrayed as an extremely negative characteristic.  Most writing includes a lot of judgment and blame for the codependent.  It is as if codependents chose codependence.  They do not choose codependence any more...

Child of Mine, I Have Words for You

Words, words, words. I have so many words for you, child of mine I have words for your child too I want to let you know what I know of the world I want to give you comfort when you are reaching for the cure I want you to know what my version of the truth is I have...

Love not Hate

To the Haters in this World Look, I get it.  There is nothing fair or correct about the world we live in today.  Every deck is stacked against us, from taxes to home prices, to minimum wage and to how our mother-in-law treats us.  It’s all wrong. The worst part is...