by johannasr2 | Jan 22, 2023 | Family, Feelings, Love, Parenting, Relationships
Serendipity is your friend. People are beautiful, but only if you believe it. A big smile helps. Changes don’t trickle in; they move with a big whoosh. Move away from the coast and for heaven’s sake, get out of Florida. You can’t have it all, where you put your life...
by johannasr2 | Jun 7, 2022 | Psychology, Relationships
I was thinking about this today because I had the opportunity to buy something on e-Bay and I wouldn’t. The reason is silly, I think. Back in 2010 (12 years ago?) I had an issue with a sale and I ended up losing several hundred dollars. At the time, I could not...
by johannasr2 | Sep 19, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting, Relationships
It is the way of humans to see that each generation is an improvement upon the last. I remember that gorgeous day when she was born like it was yesterday. I woke up in labor; I had been waiting for this overdue baby for awhile. She wasn’t really overdue, her due date...
by johannasr2 | May 20, 2021 | Family, Fibromyalgia, Love, Relationships
I Require that my disability is honored. And yet, you get angry with me because “I can’t”. Your able-bodied self can’t imagine being disabled. You think I reject you when I say no to your plans. Your plans are flawed, I can’t possibly stand,...
by johannasr2 | Apr 11, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting Adults, Relationships
And I sure know what I am talking about. So, I am a mother, and I am old enough (62) that I don’t have a mother. Actually, it’s been 25 years since my mother passed. If that is also true for you, then trust me, I understand in ways that others cannot. It’s a singular...
by johannasr2 | Jan 9, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting Adults, Relationships
My grandson loves synchronicity. He is 11 years old, a computer genius and a lovely young man. When he sees it, he has to tell his mother all about it. I am merely the lucky bystander who can give loving compliments. I am neither the recipient of his observations, nor...