by johannasr2 | Aug 27, 2022 | Family, Feelings, Parenting, Psychology
My life lived didn’t start out so great. I did the usual (in my neighborhood and my time), got pregnant, in a bad relationship, married and divorced. My husband was abusive in every which way that you can imagine abusiveness. We were better off without him. 16 and...
by johannasr2 | Jul 26, 2022 | Feelings, My Illness, Psychology
I’m not sure why, but the source of an injury can dictate mood and feelings afterwards. So yesterday, at my usual Renal Pharm scan, I got into a conversation with the technician. She had a lot to say about a patient that she has who is extremely angry and...
by johannasr2 | Jun 7, 2022 | Psychology, Relationships
I was thinking about this today because I had the opportunity to buy something on e-Bay and I wouldn’t. The reason is silly, I think. Back in 2010 (12 years ago?) I had an issue with a sale and I ended up losing several hundred dollars. At the time, I could not...
by johannasr2 | Jul 5, 2021 | Addiction, Family, Parenting Adults, Psychology
I get that working with an addicted loved one can be traumatizing and cause anger and pain. What I don’t get is all of the anger pushed outward, to be pressed on others who are *at best* sideliners to the drama unfolding in the family. Addiction can and does tear...
by johannasr2 | Feb 2, 2021 | Feelings, Fibromyalgia, My Illness, Psychology
One of those days I spent most of my time, googling the pain in my body parts. I’m shuffling around the house, my feet in large socks. The intermittent pain is sharp and harsh. The chronic pain that just lays there seeking an answer is a low moan in my body. It...
by johannasr2 | Dec 8, 2020 | Education, Internet Communication, Parenting, Psychology
The educators are saying “they are falling behind and it breaks our hearts”. Why, if everyone is falling behind then why can’t we do this whole year over again? Neonbrand from Unsplash I think people forget that we decide on the structure of our society. If we...