Being Ignored

If you are ignored by a group of people; they just don’t acknowledge you. How do you feel? It is a very strange experience and the resulting emotions are damning. Who would not be diminished by someone who does not acknowledge their existence? No ask for shared...

He Brought His Grief with Him

darya tryfanava on Unsplash He brought his grief with him.  He apologized for interrupting me.  He was completely unconscious of his thoughts and emotions.  I think that he believed that if he could control the universe that is visible to him that he...

A Son

Kahlil Gibran said something to the effect of: your children are not of you, but move through you. They have their own path to be taken by them and not you. I want to come from higher thinking, accepting of all that my child does or is and yet… I saw myself as...

From All Mothers, Everywhere

To my son the drug addict… Jeremy Paige on Unsplash What did I miss?  What difference would it make to this adulthood, this one, the one that you have right now?  Did I miss a crucial step that would have kept you from using drugs?  Did I miss some...