My Baby, The Woman

As I bear witness to my granddaughter’s transformation, I reflect on what my mother told me. My granddaughter is changing into a woman. I can see the change and I am sure she does not. Instead, we are talking about college and work. When I was much younger and...
The Subconscious Speaks

The Subconscious Speaks

Have you ever been confused by your actions? The issue is that my heart wants something and I’m not making it happen. For many months I have been confused by this behavior. I’m someone who makes things happen. If I set out to get a certain job, I get that job. If I...
9/19 The Best Day ~

9/19 The Best Day ~

It is the way of humans to see that each generation is an improvement upon the last. I remember that gorgeous day when she was born like it was yesterday. I woke up in labor; I had been waiting for this overdue baby for awhile. She wasn’t really overdue, her due date...

To Honor my Disability

I Require that my disability is honored. And yet, you get angry with me because “I can’t”. Your able-bodied self can’t imagine being disabled. You think I reject you when I say no to your plans. Your plans are flawed, I can’t possibly stand,...