by johannasr2 | Jan 22, 2023 | Family, Feelings, Love, Parenting, Relationships
Serendipity is your friend. People are beautiful, but only if you believe it. A big smile helps. Changes don’t trickle in; they move with a big whoosh. Move away from the coast and for heaven’s sake, get out of Florida. You can’t have it all, where you put your life...
by johannasr2 | Oct 27, 2022 | Family, Feelings, Love, Parenting
As I bear witness to my granddaughter’s transformation, I reflect on what my mother told me. My granddaughter is changing into a woman. I can see the change and I am sure she does not. Instead, we are talking about college and work. When I was much younger and...
by johannasr2 | Oct 15, 2022 | Family, Feelings, Love, Parenting Adults
I have a long and complicated relationship with forgiveness. At first, I couldn’t do it because I equated forgiveness with allowing the other person to get back in my life and perhaps redo the damage. Forgiveness August 2, 2010 I realize that I am repeating a lesson...
by johannasr2 | Aug 27, 2022 | Family, Feelings, Parenting, Psychology
My life lived didn’t start out so great. I did the usual (in my neighborhood and my time), got pregnant, in a bad relationship, married and divorced. My husband was abusive in every which way that you can imagine abusiveness. We were better off without him. 16 and...
by johannasr2 | May 8, 2022 | Family, Love, Parenting, Parenting Adults
Have you ever been confused by your actions? The issue is that my heart wants something and I’m not making it happen. For many months I have been confused by this behavior. I’m someone who makes things happen. If I set out to get a certain job, I get that job. If I...
by johannasr2 | Feb 15, 2022 | Family, Fibromyalgia, Haters, My Illness
Between Acute Pain, Acute Ignorance and the Opiate Death Crisis Random thoughts after surgery: It was so surreal that I lost my time and space in the universe. I had spine surgery this morning, I CAN’T FIND MY PHONE. I DON’T CARE. I haven’t cared since I started...