by johannasr2 | Sep 19, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting, Relationships
It is the way of humans to see that each generation is an improvement upon the last. I remember that gorgeous day when she was born like it was yesterday. I woke up in labor; I had been waiting for this overdue baby for awhile. She wasn’t really overdue, her due date...
by johannasr2 | Dec 8, 2020 | Education, Internet Communication, Parenting, Psychology
The educators are saying “they are falling behind and it breaks our hearts”. Why, if everyone is falling behind then why can’t we do this whole year over again? Neonbrand from Unsplash I think people forget that we decide on the structure of our society. If we...
by johannasr2 | Apr 7, 2020 | Education, Family, Parenting, Psychology, Relationships
We act like we can’t stand our own children What the hay? Everyone keeps meme-ing about giving teachers a jillion dollars and how hard it is to spend the day with their kids. What the, what? One little afternoon with two kids is overwhelming that is because the kids...
by johannasr2 | Apr 26, 2019 | Family, Love, Parenting, Parenting Adults
We begin parenting in earnest… As I get older and embrace being a grandparent, I see myself moving farther and farther away from parenting. What I have found is that the person I am, to be a mother, changes with the age of my child. Additionally, it is not the...