by johannasr2 | Oct 15, 2022 | Family, Feelings, Love, Parenting Adults
I have a long and complicated relationship with forgiveness. At first, I couldn’t do it because I equated forgiveness with allowing the other person to get back in my life and perhaps redo the damage. Forgiveness August 2, 2010 I realize that I am repeating a lesson...
by johannasr2 | May 8, 2022 | Family, Love, Parenting, Parenting Adults
Have you ever been confused by your actions? The issue is that my heart wants something and I’m not making it happen. For many months I have been confused by this behavior. I’m someone who makes things happen. If I set out to get a certain job, I get that job. If I...
by johannasr2 | Jul 5, 2021 | Addiction, Family, Parenting Adults, Psychology
I get that working with an addicted loved one can be traumatizing and cause anger and pain. What I don’t get is all of the anger pushed outward, to be pressed on others who are *at best* sideliners to the drama unfolding in the family. Addiction can and does tear...
by johannasr2 | Apr 11, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting Adults, Relationships
And I sure know what I am talking about. So, I am a mother, and I am old enough (62) that I don’t have a mother. Actually, it’s been 25 years since my mother passed. If that is also true for you, then trust me, I understand in ways that others cannot. It’s a singular...
by johannasr2 | Jan 9, 2021 | Family, Love, Parenting Adults, Relationships
My grandson loves synchronicity. He is 11 years old, a computer genius and a lovely young man. When he sees it, he has to tell his mother all about it. I am merely the lucky bystander who can give loving compliments. I am neither the recipient of his observations, nor...
by johannasr2 | Dec 31, 2020 | Change, Family, Feelings, Parenting Adults, Relationships
Johanna, who is my daughter, is the antithesis of me. I have always been the typical clean freak, always. I am also very organized. I needed to be, I was raising a lot of kids. All of those kids had appointments: school, braces, counseling, sports and then us as a...