The Subconscious Speaks

The Subconscious Speaks

Have you ever been confused by your actions? The issue is that my heart wants something and I’m not making it happen. For many months I have been confused by this behavior. I’m someone who makes things happen. If I set out to get a certain job, I get that job. If I...

Mother’s Day

And I sure know what I am talking about. So, I am a mother, and I am old enough (62) that I don’t have a mother. Actually, it’s been 25 years since my mother passed. If that is also true for you, then trust me, I understand in ways that others cannot. It’s a singular...


My grandson loves synchronicity. He is 11 years old, a computer genius and a lovely young man. When he sees it, he has to tell his mother all about it. I am merely the lucky bystander who can give loving compliments. I am neither the recipient of his observations, nor...