He Brought His Grief with Him

darya tryfanava on Unsplash He brought his grief with him.  He apologized for interrupting me.  He was completely unconscious of his thoughts and emotions.  I think that he believed that if he could control the universe that is visible to him that he...

A Son

Kahlil Gibran said something to the effect of: your children are not of you, but move through you. They have their own path to be taken by them and not you. I want to come from higher thinking, accepting of all that my child does or is and yet… I saw myself as...

From All Mothers, Everywhere

To my son the drug addict… Jeremy Paige on Unsplash What did I miss?  What difference would it make to this adulthood, this one, the one that you have right now?  Did I miss a crucial step that would have kept you from using drugs?  Did I miss some...