What to do While Languishing in a Covid-19 Quarantine
Dennis Evan on Unsplash
Play music and learn to dance the cha-cha.
Lay in bed all day, come out for dinner, after dinner, cough once and go back to bed.
Learn how to navigate the key board, become a master of symbols!***!
Finally learn excel, it will serve you well.
Write poetry.
If you have to: do some work.
Facetime with a friend from high school, even if you are sixty years old.
Solve the world’s political problems, write them down…
Organize your photo collection, you know you want to.
Watch Ted Talks, always stay interested, change channel when necessary.
Become an avid fan of someone, anyone: even your mom will do. Find out everything about them, save pictures and send gifts.
Imagine your own made-up sanctuary: get very specific, paint the walls, decide on seating and pillow arrangements, include artwork and flower arrangements. Add someone that you would like to meet and spend time with and have a lovely afternoon: in your mind.
Check your paper mail box, at least 3 times in a day. When you receive your mail, read the purpose of each and every item that you have received. Do this at least once a month. (Walking back and forth to the mailbox, keeps your body moving.)
Play online word games with strangers.
Clean out under the kitchen sink; you know it’s needed.
Take an hour long bath like in the movies: bubbles, candles, champagne and a big fluffy towel for drying.
Heidi Kaden on Unsplash
Spend an hour (or more) getting lost into the content of the internet, perhaps looking at pictures on Quora or reading stories on Medium.
Do a Marie Kondo on one area in your home: it can be a dresser drawer, a corner of a room, or a kitchen table nightmare of stacked mail. Take just one small area and organize and clean it up.
Find a new and different show series to binge watch: it must be different than anything you usually watch.