When you are the molester, and the abuser, this is what is true about you, here are the things that must be true in order for you to be the perpetrator:

You want power. The reason for your power absolutism is that you can say to your victim, “I don’t care what you want, I don’t care how you feel, the only thing that is important to this interaction is how I feel and what I want.” You will always pick someone powerless against you. You will always pick someone who cannot fight against you. That is the only way you have power, by hurting someone who is unable to hurt you back.

You don’t want to do the work. Aside from the fact that you are unskilled with relationships, you also have no desire to learn. You don’t want to do the work inherent to relationships. Maybe you’ve decided you are too good for the work. You believe you have some kind of exalted status and that is the complete opposite of reality. You are the worst of the worst and NOT the best of the best. Your laziness is the reason you have no relationship with anyone. Very few will live with a partner who contributes nothing.

A singular personality requirement of being a successful abuser is selfishness, the ability to put your own needs and desires above another’s. You don’t care what your victim feels or thinks. Even if you did feel something, it’s never enough to put yourself second.

You Need to be Financially Successful to be a Successful Pedophile

You must be successful, it takes a lot of money to be a pedophile. You either have to buy it, and it’s expensive, or you have to support your family while you sneak in and out of your childrens’ bedrooms.

What our society hasn’t owned up to is this notion of pedophiles living under bridges like trolls, broke and skinny like a highly developed addict. Nope, no way would pedophilia continue if it had to bank rolled by trolls, it needs financially successful perpetrators.

Just so you know, pedophiliacs are among you. As we know, they are priests and teachers, coaches and sportspeople alike. They walk on Wall street, they are bankers also. Look around you, yes, even at your cousin, research says that family dominates pedophilia criminality. It’s coming to roost now as DNA studies are showing.

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DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest

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