The overall secret sauce to great holidays is planning.

I want to say that there are some things that you can do and I am sure that there are. I also want to say that part of coping with the holidays is to understand that you will be very tired when it’s over.

Planning a little bit of down time when it’s all over is the number one tool for managing the holidays.

The above is my first mention of planning, but it won’t be my last. It’s pre-Thanksgiving right now and in my annual review of recipes, I realized why planning is so important. Looking at the recipes I could see that there was no way that I would be able to cook all these things. Know your limitations. If it’s going to be too much for you, acknowledge it. No one is going to be mad at you! This was a hard one to swallow because I always thought that traditions caused the light of the season, and they don’t! Any kid will tell you that.

After looking at the recipes, I knew I had to pivot. Be flexible. This is crucial stuff. Don’t get married to table settings or gifts or anything of that nature. Your flexibility is key to you having a good time and ultimately the key to your family having a good time.

Get yourself ready for the big day by relaxing, you heard that right. You must figure out some time to get in five minutes (if not ten) of meditation. You’ll need the biggest patience available to you and one way of getting that is by preparing with meditation.

Even good stress is stress, it’s important to pace yourself. No matter what you choose to do with the holidays, choose to stay committed to your pacing routine. This goes back to knowing your limitations. You know you have to stop and take frequent breaks, do it. In your planning make sure that you work it into your chore list to take frequent breaks.

The final bit I would like to pass on is this. Bad things can happen and they can happen at Christmas. Don’t be knocked off of your speed if bad things happen. There is never a good time for being upset.

Have lovely holidays and take care of yourself. Things do turn out eventually.